Vive Sana Makes Healthy Sunscreen So Chic

Share your story of how your brand came to be

I've lived and worked all over the world, and at a certain point, living in the tropics with small kids, sun care became critical. I was surprised and disappointed at how little sunscreens had progressed since I was a kid. They were still filled with counterproductive, allergenic, toxic and even carcinogenic ingredients, and were, by and large, unpleasant to use. Sun care is the single most important thing to put on your skin, and we didn't feel it should be the lesser of two evils (sun damage or toxic ingredients). We decided to dive into cutting edge academic research on plant-based ingredients. Plants have been dealing with the harmful effects of the sun for hundreds of millions of years longer than we have, so it's no coincidence that many of the best barrier supporting, sun protective, and antioxidant repairing ingredients come from plants. Armed with the best ingredients in nature, we put together the cleanest, most effective, most holistic, and most aesthetically refined sun care possible.

What does beauty mean to you?

Healthy, thriving skin is beautiful skin. Every element of what we consider to be beautiful- smooth, supple, bright and glowing - is a direct function of nourished, moisturized skin with a healthy lipid barrier and functioning skin structure. By offering barrier support, hydration, protection and antioxidant repair, VIVE SANA allows skin to be the best version of itself.

What are you daily beauty rituals?

Shower, shave and VIVE SANA's Daily Protezione, every day of the year. Others will layer on other products, but it's all I need for smooth, nourished and protected skin all day.

What current projects are you working on?

VIVE SANA, day and night.

June Farahan