Plant Whisperer Amy Duncan

Plant Whisperer. Wellness Warrior. Fearless Leader. Amy Duncan’s passion for plants grew from helping her husband battle a malignant brain tumor in 2012. As his treatments progressed, so did Amy’s belief in the healing power of cannabis — both for him and her. She believes cannabis makes her a more engaged person, thoughtful human, and attuned businesswoman. Mowellens is a lab-tested, pure cannabis product range that provides results you can see and feel and in this episode we talk to Amy about how she created this line of next-level CBD products, her collaboration with Hey Day Skincare and what's in store for the future. 

Follow Amy at @mowellens 

Stay up-to-date with us at @lovebeautywellnessfestival and be sure to follow The Golden Elixir at @shopthegoldenelixir

June Farahan