Agriculture Scientist Veronica Leslie

Veronica is an Agriculture scientist and female farmer whose academic background in organic food production took foot after her friend and teenage teammate, Chrissy Garavito, hit a homerun, touched home plate and collapsed dead due to a fatal cardiac arrhythmia induced by neurotoxic pesticides. Since the late 90's she has dedicated every waking moment to engineering real and viable non toxic alternatives to industrial farming; most specifically as it pertains to avoiding the use of antibiotics in livestock. After overcoming her own personal health challenges using exclusively naturopathic medicine Veronica went on to study the science of healing formally under the UK's College of Naturopathic Medicine where she earned 3 diplomas; including a Master's Level Nutrition and Biomedicine diplomas. Her most recent accomplishment includes beating Lyme Disease and helping others do the same; a clinical and personal journey is currently being written into her upcoming publication Everything you need to know before treating Lyme Disease.

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June Farahan